Best website like youtube for videos movies and more - Best video sharing website


Youtube.; man we all know youtube great platform yes everyone like it  to see your favorite creators pranks music and more BUT hold on what if you upload a copyright video whats next? You see we understand youtube rules and we agree with it you will get your channel banned. So what to do? What is a great video sharing platform that helps creators website ouners that maybe have a movies website and like to share movies or they like to share parts of videos but in youtube can be copyright the like to embed this video in their website? If this is you my friend you found the sloution now.


Today I will tell you the best solution a video sharing platform that can store every video for you. You can embed videos to your site directly BUT you can say exists a lot of video hosting websites why this whats new? You see a lot of video hosting websites are some are paid and some free video hosting sites that are paid you or need to pau per GB you store ( NAHHHH BRO I DONT LIKE IT) or you need to pay monthly subscription ( I m going with free ) Other free video sharing platforms realy store your videos is good right ? but hold on Some of them delete your videos after a period of time and other part have a lot of popup ads that man we all know they SUCKS popup ads make user leave the in some cases have nudity sexual ads and just imagine having a 9 years old going to a movie site and watching sexual ads or ads to redirect automaticly after a minor clicks player to a adult site man I believe you dont wont that for your visitors at least me no so I am giving you best website for you builded with trust free for life and no popup ads no adult ads you can embed videos in your site again free.

Website is called Festi007 and domain is 

How to use?

Simpe and easy you create an account upload videos embed to your website they have and monetization option with video ads and you make money every time a video is played in your site plso you get it for free they dont allow nudity adult content more info here

I realy hope you liked this guys and you found this post helpful I hope olso a problem of yours was fixed olso if you have problems with something please feel free to comment down and I will try to make other psots for you have a good time guys see yaaa

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